Did you know that…..
Depersonalization phenomena can occur in normal people either spontaneously or under conditions of emotional or physiological stress ?
For instance, in experimental sensory deprivation, and in experiences in the desert, in life boat, in the Arctic, or in the high mountains.
The term Depersonalization was introduced by Dugas in 1848 . He wrote about that an article in the Revue Philosophie de la France entitled “Un cas de Depersonnalisation“, and in 1933 another one, “Sur la Despersonnalisation“, in the Journal Psychologie Normale et Pathologique.
Depersonalization besides occur in organic disorders like encephalitis, delirious states, intracraneal tumor, cerebrovascular pathology, and head trauma. It can appear also in different Neurosis, especially in Panic Attacks, and in Psychosis.
(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)
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