Posts Tagged Under: American Psychiatric Association

Psychiatry and Psychiatrist

The Psychiatry is the branch of the Medicine that deals with the study and treatment of the disorders of the mind and with the behavior in the human beings.

The mind, or “Psyche” for the former Greeks, is usually defined as the part of the person who includes the thoughts, feelings and the function of willing.

The psychiatrist deals with the treatment of mental illness.

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is an American association of psychiatrists. The APA was founded in 1921. Previously there was the Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane (AMSAII) founded in 1844 in Philadelphia by a group of American psychiatrists.

Every so often was held a World Congress of Psychiatry. The First World Congress of Psychiatry was held in 1950 in Paris.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

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Juego Patológico o Ludopatía

El Juego Patológico se caracteriza por un comportamiento de juego desadaptativo.

Pregunta : Hola Dra. Moya : me pregunto si un Jugador Profesional de Póker o Backgammon puede ser considerado un Ludópata, teniendo en cuenta que un “Pro” ( profesional) gana y mantiene a su familia y que en un periodo de tiempo determinado gana consistentemente.
Esto ya no es parte de la pregunta : tengo la sensación subjetiva de que la Sociedad estigmatiza al jugador, pero tolera ampliamente al bebedor habitual, a los que obtienen sexo a cambio de dinero y a los que cometen pequeños hurtos y fraudes en la oficina o contra hacienda…

Respuesta : Me gusta la reflexión que usted hace a cerca de como la sociedad “estigmatiza”. Y respecto a su pregunta me voy a remitir a lo que dictamina la American Psychiatric Association en su manual actual :
“El Juego Patológico se caracteriza por un comportamiento de juego desadaptativo, familiar o profesional….. Estas personas continúan a menudo jugando a pesar de los repetidos esfuerzos por controlar, disminuir o detener su comportamiento…..” (*)

Claro que igual que no todo sujeto que bebe es un alcohólico, no todo el que juega, bien en forma amateur o profesional, padece una Ludopatía.

(*) Hablaremos más ampliamente sobre el juego patológico en un próximo artículo.


(Editado por la Dra. Moya Guirao)

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The American Psychiatric Association

Did you know that….

the American  Psychiatric Association was founded in 1844 ?

That first association was called “ Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane” (AMSAII), and was founded in Philadelphia by a group of American psychiatrists. Actually the APA was founded in 1921.

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is an American organization of more than 150,000 members, psychiatrists and psychiatry students. The organization elects a president and an executive committee.

The flagship publication of the American Psychiatric Association is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), whose first book was published in 1952. In the course of this year 2011 will be released DSM-V.

Below is the logo of the American Psychiatric Association, where we see the image of what is considered the father of American psychiatry, Benjamin Rush.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

The American Psychiatric Association logo

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