Posts Tagged Under: antisocial behavior

Borderline Personality Disorder or Borderline Syndrome

Did you know that…..

M. Shmideberg, said that Borderline Personality Disorder or Borderline Syndrome is a clinical entity that contains elements of neuroses, psychoses, psychopathy, and depression ?

Other symptoms of the Borderline personality disorder are :

– anxiety, and painful feelings,
– peculiar behavior, and negativism,
– hostility, instability, and antisocial behavior,
– lack of concentration and perseverance,
– low tolerance for frustration, inability to accept rules, and lack of self control,
– and these persons with Borderline personality disorder cannot visualize the future in any realistic manner.

Borderline patients suffer from disturbances affecting almost every area of their life, personal relations, feeling, and capacity for work.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

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Pregnancy and Depression

Did you know …..

that a recent research undertaken at the Universities of Cardiff and Bristol (UK) has shown that when a mother suffers from Depression during pregnancy influences the child’s future mental balance ?

They studied a sample of 120 young women. Children were studied at birth, at 4, 11 and 16 years old. That research found that there was more children with antisocial behavior and a depressive mother during pregnancy than in the rest of the population of those ages.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

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