Posts Tagged Under: Hallucinations


What are Flashbacks ?

Flashbacks are episodes that occur to some chronic users of hallucinogenic drugs, and they are characterized by :

  • visual illusions,
  • distortions of sensations, and
  • hallucinations.

Those episodes appear after the addict person has discontinued the use of the drug. Flashbacks are produced by hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide), but barbiturates and marijuana may produce them too.

Flashbacks disappear spontaneously after some month, but in some cases the phenomena can last even a year.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)


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Cocaine Effects

The effects of cocaine may be acute or chronic.

The most important acute effects of cocaine are: euphoria, logorrhea, excitement, reduction of tiredness, vasoconstriction, hypertension, tachycardia, anorexia, and mydriasis (pupil dilation).

The chronic effects of that drug are: paranoia, psychotic episodes, visual and tactile hallucinations, delusions of parasitosis, dyskinesias, arrhythmia, stroke, ischemic heart disease, pulmonary edema, weight loss, and nasal septum perforation.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)


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Narcolepsy is a pathology of sleep that is characterized by overwhelming sleep attacks.

The symptoms of Narcolepsy are:

1.- Cataplexy, o episodes of muscular weakness.

2.- Attacks of inability to move.  Those attacks are developed in the transition between arousal and sleep.

3.- Hypnagogic hallucinations at the onset of sleep.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

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Solitary Confinement

Did you know that…..

People being alone at sea, on polar expeditions or solitary confinement in prison may experience hallucinations (visual, auditory, tactile and, occasionally, tactile) , paranoid and grandiose delusions ?

On account of this, the astronaut training incorporates practices in simulated conditions and, also, examine the applicants in order to determining which ones will survive with the least distortion of reality and with the least affective disturbances.

(Edited by María Moya Guirao, MD)

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Delirium Tremens

Delirium Tremens is a disorder resulting from the effect of alcohol on the brain. The signs of the delirium are : convulsion, amnesia, confusion, disorientation and visual hallucinations.

These typical hallucinations are terrifying to the patient. They are usually animals that appear horrible and extremely small ( Lilliputian hallucinations ).

(Edited by María Moya Guirao, MD)

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