Posts Tagged Under: hypnosis

Breuer and Sigmund Freud

Did you know that…..

In 1893 Breuer and Sigmund Freud published their experiences in the treatment of Hysteria in a communication entitled “The Psychic Mechanism of Hysterical Phenomena“, and later in 1895 “Studies of Hysteria” ?

The principal contributions were :

  • They, instead of hypnotizing a patient and then making direct suggestions of cure, encouraged the patient to talk while under hypnosis. The patient recalled and expressed important events connected with his emotional live. This method is called by them “mental catharsis“. This talking out under hypnosis was laden with emotional charge. The discharge of the repressed emotion into verbal emotive expression was called “abreaction“.
  • They, studying Hysteria, established the relationship between neurotic symptoms and childhood experiences.
  • They discovered that symptoms have “meaning“.
  • They claim that “communication” is the therapeutic operative force.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

"Retrato de Josef Breuer"

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Pychoanalytic Therapy

The psychoanalytic therapy was derived from the treatment of hysterical patients with hypnosis. Freud first became interested in this method under the influence of his friend Josef Breuer.
The discovering of free association may well be considered the beginning of analytic therapy when Freud used it with Elisabeth Von R., who was refractory to hypnosis.
In the “Studies of Hysteria“. published with Josef Breuer, Sigmund Freud described the cornerstone of the psychoanalytic theory : resistance, transference, repression, and defence mechanisms.

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Jean M. Charcot

Who is Charcot ?

Charcot was outstanding french neurologist who developed a system of hypnosis as treatment of hysteria. He was also Freud master.

Jean M. Charcot demonstrated the traumatic power of emotional disturbance in provoking the manifestations of the disease and managed the elimination of the hysteric symptoms through suggestion and hypnosis.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

"Retrato de Charcot"

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