Posts Tagged Under: psychological problems

The Future of Psychoanalysis

Eric Kandel

Eric Kandel

Did you know…..

Eric Kandel, Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, published in The American Journal of Psychiatry an interesting article entitled “Biology and the future of psychoanalysis: A new intellectual framework for psychiatry revisited”?

In that article he said, among other things, the following:

1- Psychoanalysis still represents the most coherent and intellectually satisfying vision of the mind.

2- Freud taught us to listen carefully to patients and in a new way, in a way that nobody had used before.

3- Sigmund Freud and his students made important contributions to the knowledge of unconscious mental processes and motivations.

4- Freud is the great modern thinker on human motivations.

5- The twentieth century has been marked by Freud’s deep understanding of the psychological problems that have historically occupied the Western mind.

– The strengths of psychoanalysis are its scope and the complexity of the issues it addresses.

Eric R. Kandel was born in Austria in 1929, but has developed his entire career in the United States of America where he has been a professor at the Universities of Columbia and New York. Kandel is a neuropsychiatrist who has made important contributions to the knowledge of the Physiology of memory and learning.

Among his numerous publications, it is worth quoting “Neuroscience Principles” and “Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and the New Biology of the Mind“.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

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Havelock Ellis and Human Sexuality

Who was Havelock Ellis ?

Havelock Ellis was a British physician (1859-1939) . He was pioneered  the study of human sexuality, and the results of his researchs were published in a series of volumes entitled: “Studies in the Psychology of Sex” in 1896.

In this treatise on sexology, Havelock Ellis said that human sexuality begin long before puberty. He also claimed that male impotence and female frigidity is due to psychological problems, and that masturbation is frequent in both sexes. He affirmed that women also have sexual desire, and not men only.
Havelock Ellis said that homosexuality and heterosexuality are present in a simultaneous in both sexes.

Around the same time Sigmund Freud came to similar results. The freudian theories were a scandal at that time.

Havelock Ellis in his autobiography “My Life” (1939), among other things, called for equal rights for women and sex education for children.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

Havelock Ellis

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