Search Results for: Depression

Depresión, Diabetes y Mortalidad

¿ Sabías que…..

según un estudio reciente las mujeres diabéticas que padecen además Depresión tienen un alto riesgo de muerte ?

Esta investigación titulada “ Increased Mortality Risk in Women With Depression and Diabetes Mellitus”, y publicada recientemente en la revista “Archives of General Psichiatry”, la ha realizado un grupo de científicos de la Harvard Medical School de Boston (Estados Unidos de América), de la Universidad de Cambridge (Reino Unido) y de la Universidad de Singapur. Los investigadores que han participado han sido: An Pan, Michel Lucas y Qi Sun, entre otros.

Se trabajó con una gran muestra de 78.282 mujeres, de edades comprendidas entre 54 y 79 años, a las cuales se les siguió del 2000 al 2006. Parte de la muestra eran mujeres con diabetes que tenían además síntomas severos de Depresión para la cual tomaban Antidepresivos.

El resultado fue que la mortalidad era mayor entre las mujeres que padecían Depresión y Diabetes que las que solo tenían depresión o las que solo eran diabéticas.


(Editado por la Dra. Moya Guirao)

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Pregnancy and Mental Health Among Womens Veterans of War

Did you know that…..

A recent study affirms that the women veterans of war with a pregnancy were twice as likely to have a diagnosis of Depression, Anxiety, Post-traumatic stress, Bipolar disorder, or Schizophrenia as the women veterans without pregnancy ?

This qualified investigation: “Pregnancy and Mental Health between Women Returning Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan“, has been directed by Kristin M. Hoes, PH. D., and has been published in the Journal of Women’s Health (Volume 19, Number 12).
Many soldiers experience an important stress during the military service that can have lingering effects. The women veterans, like the men, commonly experience problems of mental health after the military service.

The aim of that study was to determine the prevalence of mental health problem between 43.078 pregnant women veterans (between the ages of 18 and 50), which received care in the Veterans Health Administration system.

The authors of that study state that untreated mental problems during pregnancy may produce preterm delivery, and low birth weight.

Since the beginning of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan more than 170.000 female soldiers have been deployed in those countries (7.500 in Vietnam, and 41.000 in Gulf war).


(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

mapa de Iraq y Afghanistan

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Did you know that…..

The effects of Amphetamines are alertness, anorexia, elevated mood, increased wakefulness and concentration ?

Amphetamines produce also a feeling of well-being, but they induce Psychic Dependence and Tolerance.

Continued high doses may produce hallucinations, delusions, anxiety reaction, paranoid psychosis and depression during a which suicide is a possibility.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)


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Physical Disorders

Did you know that…..

many patients with recurrent or chronic physical disorders have depression ?

The patient has low mood, sense of helplessness, sluggishness, the level of productivity is reduced, etc.
This depression frequently aggravates the disability. Thus it sets up a vicious circle.

In these cases it is important that patients receive psychological treatment in addition to treatment for physical illness.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

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Adverse Effects of Tricyclic Drugs

Did you know that…..

Tricyclic Drugs (drugs again depression) have some disagreeable anticholinergic effects ?

For example on the eyes, causing difficulty in focusing.

Did you know that…..

Imipramine, one Tricyclic drug, may cause some difficulty in micturition ?.

And Amitriptyline, an other Tricyclic, tends to make some patients feel drowsy and causes dryness of the mouths ?.

Nevertheless some of these side-effects usually recede with continued use and become quite easily tolerated.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)


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Hippocrates and Mood Disorders

Did you know that…..

in the writing of Hippocrates are many references to Mood Disorders ?

He distinguished various form of depression and swing of mood, although he did not make any connection between hypo-manic episodes and depressives periods.

(Edited by María Moya Guirao, MD)

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