Did you know that…..
the Client-Centered Therapy was developed by Carl R. Rogers ?
Client-Centered Therapy, also called Person-Centered Therapy, has the following characteristics:
1.- The attitudes in the therapist constitute the necessary conditions of therapeutic effectiveness.
2.- The therapist’s function rely on his moment-to-moment felt experience in the relationship.
3.- The continuing focus on the phenomenal world of the client.
4.- The therapeutic process is marked by a change in the client’s manure of experiencing and an ability live more fully in the immediate moment.
5.- A continuing stress on the self-actualizing quality of the human organism as the motivating force in therapy, the motivation for change: “The Growth Hypothesis“.
6.- A concern with the process of personality change, rather than with the structure of personality.
7.- A stress on the necessity of research to discover the essential truths of psychotherapy.
8.- The hypothesis that the same principles of psychotherapy apply to the competently functioning business executive, the maladjusted and neurotic person who comes to a clinic, and the hospitalized psychotic on the back ward.
9.- A view of psychotherapy as one specialized example of all constructive interpersonal relationships with the consequent generalized applicability of all our knowledge from the field of therapy.
10.- A concern with the philosophical and value issues that grow out of the practice of therapy.
(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)