Posts Tagged Under: delusions

Psychose Passionelle of Clérambault

Did you know that…..

the Psychose Passionelle of Clérambault or Pure Erotomania is a delusions in which a woman claims that a man is very much in love with her ?

The man generally belong to a superior social rank o he is a prominent actor, a signer, a wealthy man, etc.

The patient interprets everythings as a proof of the love this man has for her. Sometime the woman sents letters to her “supposed” lover or demand a meeting.


(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

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Delusional Jealousy

Did you know that…..

Delusional Jealousy is not merely an exaggeration of normal jealousy but a psychotic product ?

The patient with paranoid jealousy watches for indications that he is wright. He experiences a intense alertness toward minimal attitudes in others that confirm his delusions.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

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Cotard’s Syndrome

Did you know that…..

In 1880 the french psychiatrist Cotard described what he called “délire de negation” or delusional state of negation ?

The patient denies any existence to the surrounding reality, nothing exists, the world has disappeared. At first the patient claims he has lost all sensation throughout his body; his physical reality is denied and later he affirms that he does not exist.

Every thing is denied in this delusional state and even the possibility of his death is denied, the patient consideres himself immortal. In some cases the person becomes depressed and refuse food.

Nowadays Cotard’s Syndrome is included in the paranoid syndromes.


(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

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Grandiose Delusions

Did you know that…..

Grandiose Delusions is a type of delusions characterized by the convictions that one is enormous by talent, attractive, or a great inventor, a prophet, etc. ?

Grandiose Delusions, also called delusions of “grandeur“, tend to be stable, persistent, and well organized.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

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Folie à deux

Did you know that…..

the “Folie à deux” is a term introduced by Lasèque and Falret in 1877 to describe a delusions shared by two persons ?

Baillager was the first to reported a case in 1860.

A common delusions involve two persons ( if three is called “folie à trois“), and the majority of delusions are persecutory.

One of the two persons is a psychotic, and he is the dominant. This persons provokes a delusional development in a relatively dependent, and submissive one.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

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