Posts Tagged Under: hospital

Significado de Manicomio

¿ Sabías que…..

el hospital para el tratamiento de los trastornos mentales también se denomina Manicomio ?

El término manicomio deriva de dos palabras griegas, “manía” que significa locura y “Komein” que quiere decir cuidar.

En la actualidad ya no existen los terroríficos hospitales para locos o manicomios de siglos pasados, donde el enfermo era frecuentemente recluido durante años e inclusive durante el resto de su vida y en ciertos regímenes, además, eran utilizados para encerrar en ellos a enemigos políticos.

La etimología de la palabra manicomio, al igual que otros muchos vocablos empleados en medicina, viene de dos palabras griegas, “mania” que quiere decir locura, y “kome” que significa cuidar.


Hoy día la hospitalización en los hospitales mentales se reserva para ciertos casos graves y durante periodos cortos, y en los mismos el enfermo recibe modernos tratamientos y un trato excelente.


(Editado por la Dra. Moya Guirao)

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Spitz and Babies

Spitz observed that babies removed from their mother’s care and left in a hospital showed tension, anxieties, excitement and a accentuated demanding attitude toward the environment.

When deprivation lasts longer than three months, irreversible changes take and permanent damage follows, which interferes with the infant’s capacity of adaptation.

(Edited by María Moya Guirao, MD)

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Occupational Therapy



Did you know that…..

Occupational therapy begun in the United States in Pennsylvania hospital in 1752 when the board provided wool-carding and spinning equipment to patients ?

Nowadays occupational therapy in mental hospitals use a large rage of activities : music, games, arts, crafts and house keeping tasks.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

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The First Mental Hospital in USA

Did you know that…..

the first hospital for the care of mental disorders in USA was The Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia ?

The First Mental Hospital in USA was established in 1773 .

In 1560, two centuries ago Friar Bernardo Alvarez founded in Mexico D.F. the first hospital in America to care for the mentally ill. The hospital was called San Hipolito Hospital.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

First Mental Hospital

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