Posts Tagged Under: Mood Disorders

Hippocrates and Mood Disorders

Did you know that…..

in the writing of Hippocrates are many references to Mood Disorders ?

He distinguished various form of depression and swing of mood, although he did not make any connection between hypo-manic episodes and depressives periods.

(Edited by María Moya Guirao, MD)

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Aerateaus and Mood Disorders

Did you know that…..

Aretaeus, born in the second century in Asia Minor, described the symptomatology of Mood Disorders ?

He also saw a connection between Hypomanic and Depressives episodes,  anticipating for at least seventeen centuries to modern Psychiatry.

Aretaeus described very well the guilty-ridden and the self-sacrificing attitudes of depressed patient, and the gay and overactive behavior of the hypomanic.

(Edited by María Moya Guirao, MD)

"Aretaeus Picture"

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