Posts Tagged Under: Timbergen


Did you know that….

the Ethology is based upon the extensive and meticulous observations of the behavior of animals in their natural habitats ?

This discipline was created by the biologists and Nobel Prize winner Lorenz and Timbergen.

(Edited by María Moya Guirao, MD)


Retrato de Konrad Lorenz

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The ethologists Timbergen and Lorenz, Nobel Prize’s winners, studied the instinct among animals.

Timbergen defines the instinct as a “hierarchically organized nervous mechanism which is susceptible to certain priming, releasing and directing impulses of internal as well of external origin, and which responds to these impulses by coordinated movements that contribute to the maintenance of the individual and the spices“.

The ethologists distinguish between “priming” and “releasing” impulses. As a result of the former, the instinctual mechanism accumulates potential to act. whereas the latter permit this potential to discharge in action.


(Edited by María Moya Guirao, M.D.)

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Did you know that…..

if a graylag gosling is cared and exposed to only a human after hatching, will take humans as parents and ignore other geese ?

This phenomenon was named “Imprinting” by Lorenz, the ethologist.

(Edited by María Moya Guirao, MD)

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Significado de Instinto

¿ Qué es el Instinto ?

El instinto es el comportamiento innato e invariable de los animales y personas que va encaminado a un fin. Por ejemplo : el instinto sexual.

La Etología, rama de la psicología animal, se ocupa del estudio de los instintos animales.

Los Premios Nobel, Lorenz y Timbergen, contribuyeron a un mejor entendimiento del instinto con sus investigaciones en animales sobre este tema.


(Editado por la Dra. Moya Guirao)

"Konrad Lorenz and Nikolaas Tinbergen"

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