Posts Tagged Under: unconscious

Repression (English)

What is Repression?

Repression is an ego defense mechanism that is responsible for maintaining contents, desires and impulses, that may be unpleasant or distressing outside consciousness.

There are two types of repression: one as a reference to the contents that are expelled from consciousness into the unconscious, and other one referred to the unconscious contents that are struggling out of consciousness and are denied access to it.


(Edited by María Moya Guirao, M.D.)

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Anxiety and Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud pioneered explorations into man’s inner life, discovered the role of unconscious phenomena (most particularly inner conflicts) in determining the sources of neurotic anxiety.

He recognized the crucial signi of anxiety for the development of the individual and the elaboration of his neurotic and psychotic states.

(Edited by María Moya Guirao, MD)

"Retrato de Sigmund Freud"

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Breuer and Freud discovered that important events connected with the emotional life of the patient, which were forgotten, were expressed under hypnosis, was called “mental catharsis” and the process of affording an outlet for emotion in talking was called “abreaction“.

For Sigmund Freud the neurotic symptons are a product of unconscious conflicts.

(Edited by María Moya Guirao, MD)

Sigmund Freud

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Sigmund Freud and the Clark University

Did you know that…..

Freud studies represented a new approach to the investigation of human motivation and to the phenomena of the unconscious ?

Pupils : Karl Abraham, Carl Jung, Paul Federn, Alfred Adler, Sandor Ferenczi and Ernest Jones.

Freud went to America in 1909 to lecture in Clark University in Worcester.

Freud studied the meanning of the dreams, hysterical neurosis, obsessional neurosis, anxiety, phobias, etc., and he published many books.


(Edited by María Moya Guirao, M.D.)


Sigmund Freud

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Did you know that…..

in the Projection mechanism the person attributes one’s unacknowledged feelings to other ?

We could see this unconscious mechanism in the suspicion paranoid.


(Edited by María Moya Guirao, M.D.)

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Munchausen’s Syndrome

Did you know that…..

Munchausen’s Syndrome is the repeated fabrication of illness by a person who wanders from hospital to hospital for treatment ?

This syndrome is a psychiatric problem more complex than dishonest simulation.

Their deceits are conscious but their motivations are unconscious, and they have emotional difficulties.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

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Psychoanalysis and early experiences

Did you know that….

Psychoanalysis underlines the importance of early emotional experiences for later psychological disturbances ?

Psychoanalysis is a form of psychotherapy developed by Sigmund Freud to cure mental disorders.

The Austrian psychiatrist Freud showed that neurotic symptoms were due to traumatic experiences lived by the patients. According to Sigmund Freud many conflicting thoughts or feelings were repressed and remained in the unconscious.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

Psychoanalysis Coach

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