What do you need to be happy?



What do you need to be happy?

According to a recent study conducted in the United Kingdom, safety, good humor and leisure is what it takes to be happy.

British researchers conducted an investigation in 1938 to find out what makes people happy. In that year an ad was placed in a local newspaper asking its readers “What is happiness?“. Responded 226 people, who said that security, knowledge and religion was the most important thing to be happy.

Recently, the same study has been carried out in the same city. The psychologists Sandie McHugh and Jerome Carson, directors of the study, say that currently, although safety is at the top, good humor and leisure are in a better position in this new survey. Religion is considered in the current study as one of the least important factors to be happy.

They were also asked if they were happier in the city they lived in (Bolton, United Kingdom) or, on the contrary, far from it. In the old survey the majority of the subjects affirmed that he was happier in Bolton, whereas the current study 63% affirmed that he was happier far from his city.

They were also asked if they thought that the luck factor was important for happiness. In this case the results were similar in both surveys, 40%.

Regarding the question of whether they considered that money was important for happiness, in both surveys most people answered negatively.

(Edited by Dr. María Moya Guirao, MD)

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